This week is Stake Conference and I was sitting in the Stake Priesthood Meeting and they said the average home teaching percentage is 40%... That's an F. Not even a D, an F. Why don't people fulfill their callings? What have you seen in your callings and assignments that motivates you to continue to put in the time and effort to do what the Lord has asked? Because over half of this stake isn't doing what the Lord has asked them to do. I've come to the conclusion that it's a lack of a testimony. Members of the church just don't believe or understand the influence fulfilling their calling has on the Hastening of the work of Salvation. So then comes the question, what can leaders do to show the significance of all these things we are asked to do as members of the Church Of Jesus Christ? I think we first have to lead by pure example. We need to make sure that our duties are being fulfilled, but more in private then public. We don't boast that we did all our home teaching, but we simply bare strong sincere testimony whenever possible of the miracles and blessings we have seen as we have simply, done what the Lord has asked of us. As we have discussed there isn't just one right way of leading just as there isn't one perfect spaghetti sauce, but there has to be some overall way to help lift up and encourage big groups such as the priesthood in the stake... And I think it leads to the quorum leaders. They know the members of their quorum more personally then the Stake President. So as the stake president gets personal with the HPQL and EQL and learns how to motivate them personally, they can then take that form of leadership to the members of the quorum and personally motivate them. It's a big pyramid! Haha I kind of just ranted about all that but I'd like to hear what you think about all of it?
Overall things are going super well!! We continue to see miracles placed upon us by our Heavenly Father! More and more people's family members are coming out of the wood works for us to teach! It's awesome! Heavenly Father is blessing us so much! Just this week I was on exchanges with one of the District Leaders and I was praying hard that we would receive a new investigator who truly needed us. As we went to the S's to teach their nephew who's getting baptized this Saturday we were surprised to see his older brother there with him! It was amazing! I asked, and I received, easy as that ;) Haha we picked him up and he should be coming to church this Sunday! Our investigator B who just got baptized last week is doing amazing! He's already talking to all his work about coming to church with him and things like that. It's amazing. I'm so excited to go see them get married in the temple in a year.
Elder Clarke of the 70 came to our mission and he said something really interesting. He said
He lets us do missionary work for us, not for him.
(Elder Clarke)
Missionary work is not for him. We aren't out here doing this for him. He is letting us do this. He knows how important it is to let us do certain things such as missionary work so we can learn and grow in his gospel.
I hope you have a great week! Keep me updated on how things are going. Keep fulfilling your calling! Don't be a part of that 60%! :) I love you so much!
Love Elder Ashworth.
I cant believe that Stevo is getting his permit! Remember the first week I got my license and then we went down to gunlock and me and Connor Copeland got pulled over on the way back and I had forgotten my paper license back home and only had my old permit. I was out past curfew, had my brights on, was driving with someone before I reached 6 months, and did have my license and the Officer just said "Have a safe night" Im still convinced it was because I was wearing my BYU sweatshirt!!
So we're gonna Skype around 8 pm which will be 6 pm for you guys and ill have about an hour again! Please do invite Erin :)
Everyone thought it was soooo nice that you guys picked Madsen up from the Airport! Haha Valera sent those pics you sent to practically everyone in the ward!
So Elder Clarke of the Seventy is here and spoke to the stakes down here. He said that his Gransons are down here with him and are excited to go out with some missionaries on splits to see how we work. He then said "Don't mess up missionaries, don't mess up.." In my head I was thinking 'Stinks to be whichever missionaries that have to take out his grandsons.' Well right after the meeting we get a text and guess who’s getting to take them out tonight for a couple hours?... Elder Peacock and I do #yayyyy Haha I'm actually super super pumped because we usually have amazing lessons at night so hopefully we'll have a good one tonight!
Mom I love you sooooooo much!! Thank you for all you do!! I couldn't do it without all your support and love!! Keep doing what you're doing!! Im so excited to Skype you guys again! It seems like we just skyped a week ago!
Have a great week and I'll talk to you on Sunday!!
Love Elder Ashworth
Elder Ashworth and Elder Peacock with Elder Clarke's grandsons |