Sounds like a fun week overall!😃 I miss the Nash's, they're such an awesome family! I also miss the Trowbridge's! How is Sydnie doing? Elder Johnson and I get a long well! Things are going great! We went and ate dinner with a younger couple and the whole time I could tell he was nervous to be around us. So as we went to share our spiritual thought I could tell he didn't believe anything we said. So I just asked him out of nowhere if he believed that Joseph Smith was a Prophet and he looked up and just say there for a second and then said "I have my doubts". I went into him pretty hard about Joseph Smith and how I KNOW that he is a prophet. I then promised him that if he would simply read from the Book of Mormon every single day, come to church every week with an open mind and sincere heart, and pray to know if the Book of Mormon is true that he would re-gain his faith. You could tell he was taken off guard but his wife was very thankful for it. She asked if we would give her a blessing of peace and comfort after which was a good way to end the lesson. Well, on Sunday he came up to us with his wife at church after 2nd hour (which he never used to stay for) and asked if we would come by on Friday to teach him some things! It was AWESOME to see the spirit work in him to push him to allow us to come over and teach him!! We also had an amazing amazing lesson with some members named the S's this week! We're teaching this recent converts father named G. At first G was only interested in learning what the difference was about the Book of Mormon and The Bible. We explained it to him probably 2-3 times as about as simple as we could! Well we could tell he still wasn't quite getting it. So we decided to bring the S's and Brother and Sister Stanley both bore such strong testimonies of the Book of Mormon and what it was and how they came to know that it was true and the spirit was so incredibly strong!! We basically let the Stanley's teach the lesson and it made the whole difference! After, he said "I used to not know what exactly what the Book of Mormon was, but Brother and Sister Stanley explained it in a way that I could better understand." He then said " I'm very very excited to read it more and I know it will bring me closer to Jesus Christ" Elder Johnson and I nearly fell off our seats as his basically bore his own testimony of how he knew that by reading the Book of Mormon that it would bring him closer to Christ. All I can say is that members make the difference. People just take member more seriously. I know that we could have taught and explained the Book of Mormon 5 more times and it still wouldn't have been as significant as The Stanley's explaining it once. Things just always go better with a member present! Another really cool story was that after church I noticed a lady who was recently baptized in a different ward but she had been coming to our ward for the past month or so. Well I knew that her kids had not been baptized with her but that she really wanted them to get taught. The current living situation she's in constrains her from being able to have the missionaries over since the people she lives with don't like Mormons. Well her two kids were with her at church and even though she's technically not in our ward the spirit told me to go up to her. So I went strait up to her and introduced myself and then simply said "we want to teach your kids right now, Can we go to a room down the hall and teach them the restoration?" Her face lit up and she said "Yes! That'd be wonderful!" I knew she was moving to Clermont because that's where here kids usually stay and so I thought it'd be good idea to get them started now so that they can just hit the ground running with the missionaries up in Clermont! As we taught them you could tell their mom was just sooooo excited for her kids to finally be learning. No offense, but it didn't seem like the missionaries in the past pushed super hard to teach her two kids! We taught them both how to pray and as they prayed their mom could not stop smiling! And it just made me think about how excited I am to be able to teach my own children the gospel and watch their own personal testimonies of these things grow!
I'm super excited to hear how Steven’s games go this week! I'll be praying that they'll be able to win state this year! That would be so so so awesome for them! They deserve it! Thanks so much for signing me up for housing! I hope you have an amazing week! March is for sure the best month! Haha it's crazy to think I'm almost 20... Idk what to think of that yet. I miss you guys a bunch!
Love your favorite missionary son
Elder Ashworth☺️😘❤️
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Got to go up to Eustis to see two recent converts which was fun! They're both active and doing well which is always great to hear as a missionary! |
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Mission leaders house! We had a mini testimony meeting after and it was powerful! |
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What the office really does... ;) haha |
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Sister Berry had to leave a meeting early so we got to drive President home :) |