Mom! I know!
Time just flys by too quick. I swear I was just emailing you yesterday!!
I'm glad you guys had a fun and busy week!! I'm kinda craving some
gunlock time right now! Haha I miss Gunlock so much. I hope you guys
have a fun time. I'm also way jealous about lake Powell!! That's my
favorite trip to go on each year! And the fact that Erin is going with
you guys makes me even more jealous!
I'm so proud the boys passed the sacrament! That makes me so so so
happy! I can't believe they are growing up that quick! They are good
boys. I always knew they were, I was just a littler harder on them
because they are my little brothers.
this week was really cool!! So we have a Zone Goal of helping 8 people
each month enter into the waters of baptism! Well three weeks ago we
looked at all the investigators of the missionaries who were most likely
going to get baptized and we came up short one. So I prayed hard that
we would still be able to reach our goal and decided to call on of our
District Leaders and ask him if they had the faith to find one more
person. At first I wanted to be able to find the person but for some
reason I felt like the spirit was telling me to ask these specific
elders. Well they said they had the faith to do it and we left it at
that. Well on Monday night we
got a call from them telling us that this one investigator who has met
with missionaries on and off for TWO years decided out of nowhere that
she wanted to get baptized this Saturday!!
So we drove down, got the interview done, she passed and was baptized
with her two kids who were already planning on getting baptized on Saturday!!
How amazing is that?? We were so pumped for those Elders! They work so
hard and definitely deserve it!! So that was just one miracle from this
Another cool/tough thing that happened this week was we had plans to go
see this kind of less active couple during the week but they had to
cancel. Well Sunday morning I
had the thought that we needed to go see them after church! Well during
church one of the members best friends told us that they were having
some really tough problems and that we needed to go over after church.
So I knew why I had the thought that morning that we needed to go over.
So we went over and were able to really help out and give some powerful
priesthood blessings to comfort and help. It was amazing to see how
Heavenly Father trusted us enough to let us help them. From being on my
mission so far I've really learned how much trust God puts in us. We are
only vessels he works through. We are truly doing nothing ourselves, we
do everything in his name. We are doing exactly what he would do if
here were here and in our position!
Which is awesome to think that I have that authority to act in his
name. That's why it's so important that we stay worthy of these things.
hope you guys have a great week!! Tell Tanner to be safe on his
Saweettt new bike!!! Man that's so awesome he's getting into MTB!! Tell
him to be safe and have lots of fun! That's funny you found that video!!
Haha I specifically remember doing that for Sister Reeves!! How are
they doing by the way?? I'm pumped for Sydnie!! She will be an amazing
missionary!! So excited for her! Well I Love you mom! Thank you for the
packages!! I appreciate it a lot!
I miss you. Have a great week!
Everyone thought we worked at H&M. HAHA |
Mall adventure on P Day! |