Monday, June 22, 2015

Week 47

Momma 🐻!!❤️❤️

I'm glad you guys had a great and busy week!☺️ That makes me very very happy that none of the trips got homesick... I guess I'm the baby of the family then huh?😉 Haha make sure to tell them all I love and miss them so much!! They look sooo smooth in those suits!! I need one of each for when I get home ok😋 Haha I'm super glad the ties got there in time! Did dads card get there in time?? I hope it did! With the ties, the blue one was for Steven because it's longer but it went well with tanners suit! It was a little long on him tho😂 You can also stretch and iron them and it won't hurt or ruin them. I'm sure they shriveled up a little because of how dry it is there! But ya, our investigator said that you're ok to iron them so they lay more flat! I'm glad they had a great B-Day!

So I'm glad Dad had a good Father's Day! Valera showed me the video you made for him!! It definitely brought tears to my eyes. I am just so thankful for such an amazing Dad. You and him raised us all super well and I'm so so so appreciative of that!❤️❤️ I hope you got all the picks from Tilbys wife's friend who we ate dinner at last night! She was so excited that we both knew someone! Haha I didn't know they have 9 kids now😬😬 holy cow that's a lot!! Haha I haven't seen them in a while!

So this week was great!! G got Baptized which was awesome!! Such a spiritual experience. Her dad who is starting to come back was able to baptize her and we're really really hoping it is the catalyst for the whole family to start coming back! She just turned 14 so I wanna hook her and Stevo up together😏😉 haha jk she's such a cool girl tho. Very in tune with the spirit and understands things super well. Our other investigators are all doing well too which is good! July should be a great week for us. So ya last week I did go on an exchange with Elder a Carver! How'd you know?? He's super cool and chill. Also a really good missionary too!

Overall it was a great week! Valera is now praying of who we can start teaching at her house now that we just baptized G so we're excited to see who she pulls outta her sleeve next😉 Haha I am so excited the triplets are deacons now! They are such studs! The priesthood is so real. We have been able to give a lot of blessings the past couple weeks and it's been amazing to see the peace and comfort and recovery people make just after a simple priesthood blessing. We always need to be worthy so when the time comes we are able and prepared to act. I am so thankful for this work and the chance I have to be a missionary for Christ's church. I am so beyond happy right now! Thank you for all the support! I swear you and I are on the same wavelength with things mom! Haha I love you!

Love Your Son Elder Ashworth.

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