I was sooo sad to hear Steven lost. But you know what, they'll win it next season because that's when "The Dog Pound" (Me, Brench, and Brinkerhoff) will be back at it yelling at the refs and at the other teamππ I'm glad he bore his testimony though! That makes me happy.
This week has been great like usual! On Thursday we were praying super hard that we would find someone who would be prepared for March. We have set the goal to baptize at least one person a month and March was looking a little scary to be honest. Well on Wednesday night we met a kid who has been going to mutual to play basketball for like a year but the missionaries never seriously met with him or asked his mom to see if he would be fine to be taught, so, we taught him, got his address, talked to his mom, and now his moms investigating pretty seriously and her son has a baptismal date for the end of March which he is progressing well towards! He came to church and really enjoyed the classes and the social aspect of it. He is a super smart kid and has a super pure heart. His name is Ephraim so he should be a pretty good kid right? ;) So that was obviously awesome! We also have some great people set up for April so that should be great! Being consistent is really what's key. You gotta show the Lord that you'll be consistent so that he can always trust you with his prepared people, and we're most definitely seeing that right now! I think Heavenly Father knows that anyone he puts in our path that we'll instantly find them a member friend, we'll invite them to be baptized on the first visit, and we'll study for them and teach to their needs and they will progress. And if they don't, then we will truly know that they're not prepared yet. While I was in St Cloud I was able to see Sandy. While we were teaching her we tried to get her husband involved but he didn't want anything to do with the lessons. So we focused on her and she was baptized and it was great! Well when I went over this time he was much much more open and I could tell so I committed him to let us come teach him and to come to church and he said he would and he came to church the Elders said! So it just helped
my testimony grow that Heavenly Father will prepare HIS people in HIS timing, we just have to be out teaching everyone we possibly can so that when these prepared people are placed in our path, they'll be recognized and picked up. I just have pure faith that Heavenly Father WILL place at least one person a month who's prepared in my path. I just have to be watchful and capitalize on every opportunity possible so those miracles are being reaped! I've tried to train on this a little, about just having more faith that Heavenly Father IS preparing people, but it's hard for a lot of missionaries to fully understand. So I just say "just teach everyone and their dog and you'll end up running into someone who's prepared" and the ones who teach teach teach, are the ones who convert, convert, convert! It's been fun to work more off of faith then trying to make everything happen myself and trying to take everything upon myself. As long as I'm out teaching everyone I see and their dog, the prepared people will come to me. There's actually a cool scripture to back this up. It says in Alma chapter 8:
"4 And he began to teach the people in the land of Melek according to the holy order of God, by which he had been called; and he began to teach the people throughout all the land of Melek. 5 And it came to pass that the people came to him throughout all the borders of the land which was by the wilderness side. And they were baptized throughout all the land;"
I love this scripture. Alma was just out teaching everyone he could. He was out fulfilling his calling and next thing he knew, the prepared people who were ready to be baptized CAME TO HIM!! I've seen that happen over and over again in my mission and it's always such a testimony builder!
I'm excited to hear how Cole’s team does this weekend! He needs to win it all to get the Ashworth Family Moral back up πππ I'm super super happy that Gramps is doing better! How are Grandma and Grandpa Anderson doing? Is that yard going to be finished before I get home?? Please say it will be!ππ I love you so much Mom!☺️❤️☺️ You're amazing and I wouldn't still be out here if it wasn't for you and your support and love and prayers! I hope you guys have a great week!
Love Elder Ashworth!
So the story behind these pics is that we accidentally double ordered on Books of Mormon so we ended up getting 46 boxes of them! So we had to grab a crate mover and take it over to the office. Well we decided that it'd be funny to put all of them right in front of Elder Bonnemorts desk and then call him to see if he could go to the office and grab us a Chinese Book of Mormon that another companionship needed that we easily could of gotten while we were there but needed an excuse to get him over there soon. So he went over that night and sent us a nice text when he saw it. We pushed his desk right up to the boxes so there would be no way he could get into his desk.
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His wife took this for us and sent it to us. He's now the king of the office on his nice throne ;) |
Got to go on exchanges up in St Cloud for the day! It's always fun to go and see some of your old peeps |
Soooo crazy small world! We were at our first Zone Conf at Lake Mary and we always have one of the Relief Societies make lunch for all the missionaries. Well it ended up being the New Smyrna beach ward who did it. Well I was about to make a quick announcement when I see this lady walking up to me with a smile on her face. Well it ended up being Sister Newman who taught my CTR 11 class! Her husband was our Stake President! I guess she heard I was in the mission and so it was fun to see her 9 years later! :)
Our recent convert Shawns little sister LOVES taking pictures :) |
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