Monday, June 20, 2016

Week 99


So this week was awesome!! We saw some really cool miracles! Our less actives are all coming back to church which is awesome! Lots of them are starting to text us when they read and pray and don't even have to be reminded to come to church! They just come on their own and it's awesome to see them be self sufficient! We had another amazing miracle where a member from the Lake Mary stake brought his non-member girlfriend to church and she lives in our area!! She is super solid too! Another cool miracle was we only put 16 miles on our bikes cuz we had members each afternoon and evening to come to lessons with us. The members are telling the other set of elders in our ward "Man, those South Elders are wearing me out" 😉 Haha they say it in a good way tho! They like that we're trying so hard to get members out and fellowship these less actives and recent converts. But in those 16 miles we got rained on 3 times... Don't know how we always seem to come out of a lesson RIGHT when it starts to rain and we're on our bikes! But Satan isn't happy with all the work we're getting done is how I would like to see it ;) One thing we need to work on this week tho is setting solid dates with all these new people so we can get them baptized and progressing towards the temple. This stake has a rule that the wards are in charge of getting all recent converts to the temple within 14 days with their own family names! It's been amazing to see the difference it's made in retention in this stake! Heavenly Father can trust this Stake more now so baptisms are highest in the mission here in this Zone which is cool!

Overall, lots of great things are happening right now! I get to stay here and be with my new comp Elder Olson which will be super super fun! He has back problems and can't bike so I'm gonna have to
get one of those baby carriages to pull behind me as I bike. President offered to give us our own car with unlimited miles but I turned him down cuz I want to make this the hardest but most fun 5 weeks of my mission! There's lots of dirt jumps and drop offs that we're gonna catch sweet air off of while biking! Haha jk, I accepted the car with open arms!! #NoMoreBikingInTheHeat/Rain/Ghetto! Haha so that will be nice too so we can visit more people since it takes longer to bike places!

Can’t believe the trips are 13 today 😱😱😱 Haha I sent them and dad cards so they should get there soon! I love you!

Love Elder Ashworth!

Got to ride home in the rain without shoes! All my shoes are soaking from getting rained on and
I HATE wet shoes! So I took them off and put them in my backpack so they'd stay dry 😂😂
All those gangsters were looking at me like "what the heck is this white boy doin" 😂😂

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