Well, I really can't believe the day is here that I'm writing my last email as a full time missionary. This past week it's really started to hit me how much I'm going to miss my mission. I'm exhausted and tired and ready to apply all the things I've learned here to the rest of my life, but there's so many things that won't be the same that I will miss. I feel very blessed though because I have many things back home set up for me. Most missionaries are extra stressed because they don't know what they want to do for school, where they want to go for school, and what they're going to do for work. They're extra stressed about who they're going to marry and how long it will take them to find that person. For me, I basically have all those things under control and figured out. I know that life will still be challenging and I'll still have to work as hard as I can to make these plans and goals come to pass, but I'm lucky to have things set up very nicely. It takes a lot of stress off my chest to already know some of these big life decisions. I have learned so much these past two years that I obviously cannot put it into one email and express it all at once. I know that there's many things that I've learned that I don't even know that I've learned but that will come to my recognition later on down the road when different things come into my life where I have to use the things I learned on my mission to overcome them.
My mission president asked me to answer 7 questions about my mission and what I've learned and I felt like it'd be a good thing to include in my last email.
What was one of your most spiritual experiences on your mission? One of my most spiritual experiences on my mission was after leaving an area called St Cloud. I had been out around 12-13 months at that time and my whole mission I really wanted to make sure I was doing things with the right intent in my heart. I wanted to make sure I was doing things out of love. Teaching on the spot, getting members out, being bold with investigators, desiring them to be baptized, I wanted to do all those things out of love and not for recognition from others or my leaders or just to feel good about myself. The whole time in St Cloud we were seeing tons of success and so was the whole Zone. Everything was clicking and moving in the right direction. But I again was backed up to the wall of fear that it might be all in vain because of my intent. Well transfers came up and after 6 amazing months in the best Ward in the mission I was leaving. It was hard to leave all the people I'd met and helped and who had helped me. I felt like I loved these people so much, but that fear kept coming back. Well the last night in the area I went to say goodbye to one of my recent converts there and I finally realized that I did love these people and I was doing things with the right intent. Saying goodbye to this specific recent convert who I had become such best friends with was just as hard if not harder then when I was leaving my family at the MTC. I had tears of joy because I finally received my answer that I was working my hardest for the Lord and these people and not just because I wanted recognition or to feel good about myself. But I had many more tears of sadness because of the best friend I was having to leave. This sounds like a sad experience, and it was in some aspects, but it was one of the most crucial and life changing events on my mission. The spirit fully testified to my heart that what I was doing as a missionary was making a difference, but also that I was doing it out of pure love for the lord and his children, my brothers and sisters. I was able to finish the rest of my mission very strongly in my eyes in knowing and not having to worry about my real intent. I could go out and work as hard as I possibly could and know with a surety that I was doing it for the right reasons. It might not seem like a very spiritual or important experience, but for me, it changed my life and how I did missionary work for forever.
What have I learned on my mission that will help me throughout my life? Everything I've learned is going to play a huge role in my school, my career, my marriage, and my parenting. I've learned how to set specific short term and long term goals and work at them day by day to accomplish them. I've learned how to plan things out better and use my time even more wisely. I've learned how to push through tough times even when you feel like you don't have one more drop of energy left in you. I've learned better how to work with people according to their specific needs and find that "perfect spaghetti sauce" for them as the writer Malcom Gladwell puts it. This church isn't about sharing and pushing generalized messages and advice. It's all about personalizing it to the specific person in need. This will help me in raising my different children with different personalities. It will help me in fulfilling any future church callings or assignments and helping specific people with specific challenges or concerns. Another thing I've learned is the fact that as we "feast upon the words of Christ" they "will tell you all things in which ye should do". Being able to go to the scriptures in any situation and find answers to those problems has and will help me all throughout my life. One of the most important things I feel like I've learned though is how the Holy Ghost speaks and prompts directly me. I've been able to figure out and better pin point when the spirit is trying to teach me something or get me to act and do something. That will help me a lot throughout my life. I've also learned patience and how to best communicate with people with different views or opinions as me. One thing that I feel like I knew before my mission that has just increased in knowledge over these two years is the significance and the joy of the atonement. I have found great joy and fulfillment in repenting daily.
How has my heart and soul been changed during my mission? Like I expressed in my most spiritual experience I feel like I've gained a much greater love for other people and have seen even more of
the joy that comes from sharing the gospel with them. Back home I tried to do service often. But physical service and spiritual service are different. They're both important and great, but spiritually serving others is a love I've gained even more on my mission.
What are your anchors that will carry you through personal challenges. My anchors are the same now as they were before my mission. Daily prayer and scripture study a long with keeping the sabbath day holy is key in my opinion. If you're praying day and night, reading from the Book of Mormon and other scriptures daily, and going to all three hours of church each Sunday, you can't get too far off the straight and narrow. Yes you will still mess up and make mistakes, but as long as you're praying, reading, and going to church, you'll be able to notice and fix those mistakes quickly and move on. Other anchors I had before my mission that will be anchors still is my family. I could always go to my parents for advice and help. Once I'm married, my wife will also be someone I go to for help and advice. Last but not least is the temple. I've had many spiritual experiences in the temple while on my mission where small as well as big answers were given to me while attending. I am going to make it a priority to make it to the temple at least once a month while going to school. I know this will help me and my future wife in many different ways with all the different struggles and stresses that life can throw at you at times.
What will be included in and part of my Sabbath Day observance. My family was good at keeping the Sabbath Day holy. We didn't shop or go to sports games, not once did I see my dad work, we didn't swim in the pool or go boating, we did family oriented things and tried to separate it from the other days of the week. I want to make Sunday's a delight when I return home. I want to take extra time to read from the scriptures and conference talks after church. I want to visit my home teaching families. I want to go to other family and friends homes and have gospel related discussions there. I won't do homework or get a job where I have to work on Sunday. Family History is another thing I want to learn more how to do as well. All these things will make the sabbath spiritual and meaningful in my mind.
How will I use the sacred experiences from my mission to shape my future. Reading back over my journal entries and emails that I sent home will be one thing for me that will help me remember how I felt as I was sharing the gospel and losing myself in the service of others. I've truly been able to see people's lives change because of the restored gospel. I want to be someone who shares the gospel wherever I go. On trips, in business, at the grocery store, on social media, I want to be a member missionary for life. I've also seen amazing experiences with getting less actives back to church. I want to be 100% at home teaching. Every single assigned family, every single month. The members who I've met on my mission who fulfill their callings and do their home teaching were always the ones who had family members and friends meet with the missionaries and be baptized. I've seen amazing experiences where families were changed and improved significantly because of the gospel. I will make sure the gospel is always the focus in me and my wife's home and will raise my children in a way that gives them the best possible chance to serve missions of their own and love and progress in this amazing church of Jesus Christ.
What will I specifically do in the coming months and years to receive continual personal revelation?
Like I said before, attending the temple at least once a month will be huge in my ability to receive personal revelation. Read one chapter from the Book of Mormon or other scriptures every day. Pray at least morning and night as well as during the day when needed or prompted. Fulfill my church callings and responsibilities as well as attend all three hours of church each week. These small and simple things will make the biggest difference in my life. They will keep me In tune with the Holy Ghost so I can recognize and then act upon the spiritual promptings and personal revelations I receive. Another thing I want to do is keep in touch with each of my converts. Occasional calls throughout the year to check up on them and make sure they're still doing well and are active in the church will be even more motivation for me to "stay on the boat" as Elder Ballard put it. Being able to stay in contact with them frequently will help rekindle the feelings I felt on my mission and will allow me to receive more personal revelation on what I can do to continue to feel as spiritual as I did while serving for these two years.
This last week is going to be a blast! Last night I had the chance to baptize Byce Duff, then on Wednesday I also will have the chance to baptize D-Jaun Gayle, and then the night before I leave I'll be able to watch our investigator Marie Kyle get baptized as well. Heavenly Father has been so good to me. I set the goal before my mission to see one conversion for every month I am out on my mission. Well before coming to this area I had already accomplished that goal but still wanted to see 3 for the 3 months I would be here. After the first transfer it looked like I would maybe, just maybe see 1. But within the past 3 weeks everything has just fallen into place and I'll be able to see 3 people who I found and taught get baptized. It's been such a miracle to watch unfold. Heavenly Father is very aware of us. He knows our goals and is willing to help us achieve them if they're righteous goals and if we're willing to put forth the needed and even extra work to get them to come to pass. I've seen that time and time again while serving this mission. I attribute all the success I've been able to see on my mission first to my Heavenly Father, our Savior Jesus Christ, and to the Holy Ghost. If it wasn't for the Godhead I wouldn't of been able to see any miracles happen. I know with all my heart that Jesus Christ is our savior and redeemer. I know that he lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and was resurrected on the third day all so that we could one day be resurrected and live with him and our Heavenly Father and our families again. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost that was able to bare witness and testimony to these investigators and less actives hearts that what we teach is true. Without the spirit we are nothing. D&C 42: 14 And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the Spirit ye shall not teach. 17 For, behold, the Comforter knoweth all things, and beareth record of the Father and of the Son. The second thing I attribute all my success to is the Book of Mormon and Preach My Gospel. I have seen that as we use the Book of Mormon in every single teaching opportunity, and as we apply everything in Preach My Gospel with exactness, we see baptisms every month. Whenever things seemed to be more tough in the work, I could always go to the Book of Mormon and PMG and find something that I wasn't applying. Once I applied it, baptisms came. Every. Single. Time. The third thing I attribute all the success I've been able to see is to the members here in FL and my friends and families support back home. If it wasn't for the member fellowshipping our investigators and less actives and for your prayers back home, I know that these people would of either not gotten baptized, or would of not stayed active in the church. I was able to call my recent converts this last week and I'm happy to see that about 90% of them are still fully active in the church and doing well. The other 10% are repenting and are going to start to go back to church after talking ;) I know that if it wasn't for the involvement by the members in our teaching, that most of my recent converts would not be active today.
This mission has changed my life for forever. It has prepared and helped me learn things for my future that I could not of learned or experienced so fully anywhere else. I know that this church is true. I know with every fiber of my body that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God. I knew that long before I came out and that testimony has carried me through many trials and hardships and doubts on my mission. I know that Jesus is the Christ and that only because and through him can we return to live with our Heavenly Father and families in the celestial kingdom. I know that Thomas S Monson is a true and the only living prophet today that can use and officiate all the keys of the priesthood on the earth. I know that repentance is real. It is not optional for salvation. Because of the Atonement, any guilt or depression can be swept away. Mosiah 16:7 And if Christ had not risen from the dead, or have broken the bands of death that the grave should have no victory, and that death should have no sting, there could have been no resurrection. 8 But there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ. 9 He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.
I love this gospel with all my heart. I love my Savior and will always keep the covenants I have made with him and will make with him. Thank you for all the love and support you have shown me through these last 2 years. Leaving will be bittersweet. But I am very excited to see you soon!
Love Elder Ashworth
Well, I really can't believe the day is here that I'm writing my last email as a full time missionary. This past week it's really started to hit me how much I'm going to miss my mission. I'm exhausted and tired and ready to apply all the things I've learned here to the rest of my life, but there's so many things that won't be the same that I will miss. I feel very blessed though because I have many things back home set up for me. Most missionaries are extra stressed because they don't know what they want to do for school, where they want to go for school, and what they're going to do for work. They're extra stressed about who they're going to marry and how long it will take them to find that person. For me, I basically have all those things under control and figured out. I know that life will still be challenging and I'll still have to work as hard as I can to make these plans and goals come to pass, but I'm lucky to have things set up very nicely. It takes a lot of stress off my chest to already know some of these big life decisions. I have learned so much these past two years that I obviously cannot put it into one email and express it all at once. I know that there's many things that I've learned that I don't even know that I've learned but that will come to my recognition later on down the road when different things come into my life where I have to use the things I learned on my mission to overcome them.
My mission president asked me to answer 7 questions about my mission and what I've learned and I felt like it'd be a good thing to include in my last email.
What was one of your most spiritual experiences on your mission? One of my most spiritual experiences on my mission was after leaving an area called St Cloud. I had been out around 12-13 months at that time and my whole mission I really wanted to make sure I was doing things with the right intent in my heart. I wanted to make sure I was doing things out of love. Teaching on the spot, getting members out, being bold with investigators, desiring them to be baptized, I wanted to do all those things out of love and not for recognition from others or my leaders or just to feel good about myself. The whole time in St Cloud we were seeing tons of success and so was the whole Zone. Everything was clicking and moving in the right direction. But I again was backed up to the wall of fear that it might be all in vain because of my intent. Well transfers came up and after 6 amazing months in the best Ward in the mission I was leaving. It was hard to leave all the people I'd met and helped and who had helped me. I felt like I loved these people so much, but that fear kept coming back. Well the last night in the area I went to say goodbye to one of my recent converts there and I finally realized that I did love these people and I was doing things with the right intent. Saying goodbye to this specific recent convert who I had become such best friends with was just as hard if not harder then when I was leaving my family at the MTC. I had tears of joy because I finally received my answer that I was working my hardest for the Lord and these people and not just because I wanted recognition or to feel good about myself. But I had many more tears of sadness because of the best friend I was having to leave. This sounds like a sad experience, and it was in some aspects, but it was one of the most crucial and life changing events on my mission. The spirit fully testified to my heart that what I was doing as a missionary was making a difference, but also that I was doing it out of pure love for the lord and his children, my brothers and sisters. I was able to finish the rest of my mission very strongly in my eyes in knowing and not having to worry about my real intent. I could go out and work as hard as I possibly could and know with a surety that I was doing it for the right reasons. It might not seem like a very spiritual or important experience, but for me, it changed my life and how I did missionary work for forever.
What have I learned on my mission that will help me throughout my life? Everything I've learned is going to play a huge role in my school, my career, my marriage, and my parenting. I've learned how to set specific short term and long term goals and work at them day by day to accomplish them. I've learned how to plan things out better and use my time even more wisely. I've learned how to push through tough times even when you feel like you don't have one more drop of energy left in you. I've learned better how to work with people according to their specific needs and find that "perfect spaghetti sauce" for them as the writer Malcom Gladwell puts it. This church isn't about sharing and pushing generalized messages and advice. It's all about personalizing it to the specific person in need. This will help me in raising my different children with different personalities. It will help me in fulfilling any future church callings or assignments and helping specific people with specific challenges or concerns. Another thing I've learned is the fact that as we "feast upon the words of Christ" they "will tell you all things in which ye should do". Being able to go to the scriptures in any situation and find answers to those problems has and will help me all throughout my life. One of the most important things I feel like I've learned though is how the Holy Ghost speaks and prompts directly me. I've been able to figure out and better pin point when the spirit is trying to teach me something or get me to act and do something. That will help me a lot throughout my life. I've also learned patience and how to best communicate with people with different views or opinions as me. One thing that I feel like I knew before my mission that has just increased in knowledge over these two years is the significance and the joy of the atonement. I have found great joy and fulfillment in repenting daily.
How has my heart and soul been changed during my mission? Like I expressed in my most spiritual experience I feel like I've gained a much greater love for other people and have seen even more of
the joy that comes from sharing the gospel with them. Back home I tried to do service often. But physical service and spiritual service are different. They're both important and great, but spiritually serving others is a love I've gained even more on my mission.
What are your anchors that will carry you through personal challenges. My anchors are the same now as they were before my mission. Daily prayer and scripture study a long with keeping the sabbath day holy is key in my opinion. If you're praying day and night, reading from the Book of Mormon and other scriptures daily, and going to all three hours of church each Sunday, you can't get too far off the straight and narrow. Yes you will still mess up and make mistakes, but as long as you're praying, reading, and going to church, you'll be able to notice and fix those mistakes quickly and move on. Other anchors I had before my mission that will be anchors still is my family. I could always go to my parents for advice and help. Once I'm married, my wife will also be someone I go to for help and advice. Last but not least is the temple. I've had many spiritual experiences in the temple while on my mission where small as well as big answers were given to me while attending. I am going to make it a priority to make it to the temple at least once a month while going to school. I know this will help me and my future wife in many different ways with all the different struggles and stresses that life can throw at you at times.
What will be included in and part of my Sabbath Day observance. My family was good at keeping the Sabbath Day holy. We didn't shop or go to sports games, not once did I see my dad work, we didn't swim in the pool or go boating, we did family oriented things and tried to separate it from the other days of the week. I want to make Sunday's a delight when I return home. I want to take extra time to read from the scriptures and conference talks after church. I want to visit my home teaching families. I want to go to other family and friends homes and have gospel related discussions there. I won't do homework or get a job where I have to work on Sunday. Family History is another thing I want to learn more how to do as well. All these things will make the sabbath spiritual and meaningful in my mind.
How will I use the sacred experiences from my mission to shape my future. Reading back over my journal entries and emails that I sent home will be one thing for me that will help me remember how I felt as I was sharing the gospel and losing myself in the service of others. I've truly been able to see people's lives change because of the restored gospel. I want to be someone who shares the gospel wherever I go. On trips, in business, at the grocery store, on social media, I want to be a member missionary for life. I've also seen amazing experiences with getting less actives back to church. I want to be 100% at home teaching. Every single assigned family, every single month. The members who I've met on my mission who fulfill their callings and do their home teaching were always the ones who had family members and friends meet with the missionaries and be baptized. I've seen amazing experiences where families were changed and improved significantly because of the gospel. I will make sure the gospel is always the focus in me and my wife's home and will raise my children in a way that gives them the best possible chance to serve missions of their own and love and progress in this amazing church of Jesus Christ.
What will I specifically do in the coming months and years to receive continual personal revelation?
Like I said before, attending the temple at least once a month will be huge in my ability to receive personal revelation. Read one chapter from the Book of Mormon or other scriptures every day. Pray at least morning and night as well as during the day when needed or prompted. Fulfill my church callings and responsibilities as well as attend all three hours of church each week. These small and simple things will make the biggest difference in my life. They will keep me In tune with the Holy Ghost so I can recognize and then act upon the spiritual promptings and personal revelations I receive. Another thing I want to do is keep in touch with each of my converts. Occasional calls throughout the year to check up on them and make sure they're still doing well and are active in the church will be even more motivation for me to "stay on the boat" as Elder Ballard put it. Being able to stay in contact with them frequently will help rekindle the feelings I felt on my mission and will allow me to receive more personal revelation on what I can do to continue to feel as spiritual as I did while serving for these two years.
This last week is going to be a blast! Last night I had the chance to baptize Byce Duff, then on Wednesday I also will have the chance to baptize D-Jaun Gayle, and then the night before I leave I'll be able to watch our investigator Marie Kyle get baptized as well. Heavenly Father has been so good to me. I set the goal before my mission to see one conversion for every month I am out on my mission. Well before coming to this area I had already accomplished that goal but still wanted to see 3 for the 3 months I would be here. After the first transfer it looked like I would maybe, just maybe see 1. But within the past 3 weeks everything has just fallen into place and I'll be able to see 3 people who I found and taught get baptized. It's been such a miracle to watch unfold. Heavenly Father is very aware of us. He knows our goals and is willing to help us achieve them if they're righteous goals and if we're willing to put forth the needed and even extra work to get them to come to pass. I've seen that time and time again while serving this mission. I attribute all the success I've been able to see on my mission first to my Heavenly Father, our Savior Jesus Christ, and to the Holy Ghost. If it wasn't for the Godhead I wouldn't of been able to see any miracles happen. I know with all my heart that Jesus Christ is our savior and redeemer. I know that he lived a perfect life, died on the cross, and was resurrected on the third day all so that we could one day be resurrected and live with him and our Heavenly Father and our families again. I am so grateful for the Holy Ghost that was able to bare witness and testimony to these investigators and less actives hearts that what we teach is true. Without the spirit we are nothing. D&C 42: 14 And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith; and if ye receive not the Spirit ye shall not teach. 17 For, behold, the Comforter knoweth all things, and beareth record of the Father and of the Son. The second thing I attribute all my success to is the Book of Mormon and Preach My Gospel. I have seen that as we use the Book of Mormon in every single teaching opportunity, and as we apply everything in Preach My Gospel with exactness, we see baptisms every month. Whenever things seemed to be more tough in the work, I could always go to the Book of Mormon and PMG and find something that I wasn't applying. Once I applied it, baptisms came. Every. Single. Time. The third thing I attribute all the success I've been able to see is to the members here in FL and my friends and families support back home. If it wasn't for the member fellowshipping our investigators and less actives and for your prayers back home, I know that these people would of either not gotten baptized, or would of not stayed active in the church. I was able to call my recent converts this last week and I'm happy to see that about 90% of them are still fully active in the church and doing well. The other 10% are repenting and are going to start to go back to church after talking ;) I know that if it wasn't for the involvement by the members in our teaching, that most of my recent converts would not be active today.
This mission has changed my life for forever. It has prepared and helped me learn things for my future that I could not of learned or experienced so fully anywhere else. I know that this church is true. I know with every fiber of my body that Joseph Smith was and is a prophet of God. I knew that long before I came out and that testimony has carried me through many trials and hardships and doubts on my mission. I know that Jesus is the Christ and that only because and through him can we return to live with our Heavenly Father and families in the celestial kingdom. I know that Thomas S Monson is a true and the only living prophet today that can use and officiate all the keys of the priesthood on the earth. I know that repentance is real. It is not optional for salvation. Because of the Atonement, any guilt or depression can be swept away. Mosiah 16:7 And if Christ had not risen from the dead, or have broken the bands of death that the grave should have no victory, and that death should have no sting, there could have been no resurrection. 8 But there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ. 9 He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.
I love this gospel with all my heart. I love my Savior and will always keep the covenants I have made with him and will make with him. Thank you for all the love and support you have shown me through these last 2 years. Leaving will be bittersweet. But I am very excited to see you soon!
Love Elder Ashworth
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