I'm glad to hear you guys had a fun and eventful week!! I heard you got to the House Boat and the cleaners hadn't done anything... Haha that's kinda lame. I'm super excited that Erin gets to go with you guys!
So we had another pretty cool experience happen to us this week during lunch time! So it was time for lunch and I usually like to go to chipotle. Well for some reason I felt like going to chick-fil-a. I was craving chipotle but the spirit kind of just drove the car to chick-fil-a haha! Well not even 3 minutes after entering we had this guy come up to us and tell us that he needed to talk to us. We said ok and went out by his car and started talking to him. Turns out he's a member but has been living exactly opposite of the gospel. He couldn't stop crying while he was telling us his story. He knows the church is true and knows he needs to come back to be happy. He said he has two daughters who are 11 and 12 who haven't been baptized yet and he wants to be the one to baptize him. We obviously comforted him with scriptures and told him we would help. He doesn't live in our area but we're staying in contact with him while the other missionaries by where he lives meet with him. It was so awesome to see Heavenly Father lead us directly to this man. He said "I was just thinking about finding the closest church to talk to one of the bishops but I just couldn't get myself to do it. And them, out of the blue you guys walk in and I know it was a sign from God that it was time to return" Man was it a spiritual experience!! The Holy Ghost plays such a bigger role in our lives then we can even comprehend. We need to be in tune with him at all times!! There is so much safety and so many miracles that come from living and serving like that!
So the Q are set for August 5th for their baptism and it's set in stone!! I'm so excited for them!! I've been working with them since I got here and I'm so pumped I get to watch them finally enter the waters of baptism and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost! Like I said before, we don't realize how desperately we need that in our lives!! I'm so so so grateful to have been baptized at 8 years old so I could be influenced in righteous ways so early on in my life!
I hope you guys have a grrrreeaaatttt week in Powell!! Don't get hurt and do what Rebecca says...."Whooo wants suuunscrreeeennn"
I love you mom! Have fun and get super tan while you can!!
Your summer is gonna run out quick!
Love Your Elder
Elder Ashworth.
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