So this week was really good!! I mean I missed you a lot and missed getting emails from you but it went well!

️ Elder Terry and I are clicking and having tons of fun!! The investigators are all doing super well!! We met this less active who has a daughter who is turning 9 very soon and so the Ward wants us to work with her and she's gonna get baptized on her 9th birthday so she'll be under our jurisdiction which will be cool! Another cool thing that happened is that we have this other less active and her husband isn't a member and we started teaching them both. Well on Monday we committed him to pray about baptism before we came back. Well we met with them 2 days later and at the end of the lesson he said "So I was praying and pondering on baptism these last two days and.... I've decided that I want to get baptized."

Haha we were soooo pumped!! So he's gonna be baptized in 3 weeks which will be super super awesome to see them both come back to church. Another cool thing that happened was we went to stop by this other less active and he ended up not being there. It was his moms house but she was certain that he wasn't even a member. The cool thing about it tho was that her care taker who was there is a less active member who hasn't had her records moved from Cleveland and so we picked up the lady as a new investigator and got this lady's info too! She said her mom isn't a member but loves talking with the missionaries so we're gonna send the elders in their area over and have them pounce on her!

There are always just so many miracles each and every week it's nuts. I've been trying to keep up with them in my journal but they come at us so quick and often.
So it looks like you guys had a fun and safe trip to Powell which makes me beyond happy!!


️ I prayed extra hard every night that you guys would be safe and have tons of fun!! This week seemed to fly by soooo fast!! And I'm glad cuz I was a little Jelly that you were at Powell!! But hey, next year I'll be able to rejoin the crew!!


️ I'm really excited for next summer!
So thank you sooo so so much for the packages and the cake!!!




haha I can't believe you send me a cake!! Wait, actually I can, you're Denise and do things like that on a regular basis but STILL!! Thank you sooo much!! Haha I went over to Valeras when they got back to eat it with them!


️ You're sooo kind and thoughtful mom! Thank you! You have been sooo supportive and done so many nice things for me while I've been out and it has helped me feel the love from back home for sure! I'm excited to hear about all your fun adventures and experiences this past week!! Thank you for being so welcoming and open and loving to Erin. She appreciated it so so so much! She said it was the best week of her life! I'm so grateful I have you guys as parents! You make anyone and everyone feel like instant family! I hope you have a sweet week!! Keep sending me more cool pics and stuff!! I love them all!

️ Have a great week!!
Love your son
Elder Ashworth
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