I am very sad that I am leaving this area. We have two baptisms coming up this weekend so I'm super bummed I'm gonna miss them
Overall this week went by super quick and went well! I'm also super sad that Elder Terry and I are splitting up. I've gained a really strong friendship with him and it will be tough leaving him. I know that I needed him as well. His Christ Like service and his really helped me this past transfer. I am excited to become friends with my next companion as well though. Everything is exciting/nervous for me haha I just need to get settled into my next area to let the nerves settle a bit!
So Sister Berry asked me to email her a story of my most spiritual experience relating to a recent convert so she can put it on the blog so I'll give you a little sneak peak of what I wrote.
Sister Berry,
One of the most spiritual experiences I've had with a recent convert was when I had to leave an area and say goodbye to everyone I had met. The whole transfer I was worried about my intent of why I was out serving and if I truly loved the people like Christ did or if I was just doing everything to make my family and friends back home happy/impressed. I tried so hard everyday to do everything for the right reasons and to gain a strong love for everyone I came across. Well, one of my recent converts had a brother who we would go over and teach multiple times a week and so I got very close to these two. As transfer news came that I was leaving I ended my Sunday night by going and seeing them and saying goodbye. I never thought I would get emotional while saying goodbye but I did. It felt almost as hard to say goodbye to them as it was to say goodbye to my family at the MTC. I had put a lot of heart and effort into helping the one be converted in the gospel and was trying just as hard with his brother to help him do the same. At this moment it felt as if the Holy Ghost was speaking to me and assuring me that I did truly love and care about them as both a friend, and as a disciple of Jesus Christ. This experience, although hard because I was leaving two great friends I had made, was definitely something I needed. I was worrying about my intent of serving a mission, and this helped me put most those worries to rest. I am so grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost. It has brought me so much peace and happiness even at the roughest of times. I am even more grateful for my Heavenly Father and the love he has for all of us and for his eternal plan of happiness that he has set before us. I know that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior and that it's only through and by him that we can repent, be cleansed by the Holy Ghost, improve, and return to live with our Heavenly Father and families again. And I say this in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
Elder Tyler Ashworth (Highland Utah) #GoCougars ;)
I'm glad that you liked your Birthday stuff!
I hope you have a great week!! Thank you for all your prayers and love! I can definitely feel them and they are helping me a lot! Love you!!
Love Elder Ashworth
The Amazing Senden Family ❤️
Saying goodbye to the wonderful people in the Kissimmee area.
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