So this week was overall pretty fantastic! We got a lot of members to come out with us and help teach this past week which was awesome! J and S were baptized on Wednesday night and a lot of people showed up which was awesome! There was a lot of support and love and you could tell they could feel that the Ward was super excited for them! They bore their testimonies at the end and J ended his by saying "And I'm proud to call myself a Mormon!" And man was it soooo powerful when he said that! It made me so happy just to think that I was able to see these two young men follow Christ's example. I met them the first week I got here and to be able to have the opportunity to work with them has helped me more then it's probably helped them! They are both such studs and I'm excited to fly back down here when they leave on their Missions! We also had another sweet miracle happen this week!! So at the beginning of the week I said to Sister Senden "Hey, who are you going to find for us to convert next?" She said "I'm gonna think today and get back to you soon on that" Well the next day she called us and told us that her other Nephew had a girlfriend who was taught in Indiana and super super close to being baptized but wanted her nephew to be the one to baptize her. Well he couldn't fly up there cuz he was working full time in Texas so she just decided to wait till he could do it. Well they both moved back here to St Cloud and we met with her in Friday and she's getting baptized this Saturday!! Haha it was such an awesome miracle!! #Valera4President She works wonders here!! Another cool miracle that happened was we committed one of our other investigators to live the Word of Wisdom and he accepted it right away! His wife is a member and so they're both coming to church and he's gonna get baptized on the 29th!! We're going to High Five Yogurt after to celebrate too so if you wanna come support him plzz do
I miss you bunches!! Thank you for everything!!
I hope you guys have a killer day!! I'm so grateful to be a part of this family. I am so blessed to be able and have such supportive parents! I love you to the moon and back mom!
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