I am sooooo pumped that BYU won!! Haha that's sooo cool that Kevin Copeland got on TV!! Dad said that you're going to NY this week?! LUCKYYY!! I love NY!! I would only stay in the city for like 2-3 days. So it's so awesome that Tanner and Brando are playing well!! Brandon needs to play safety! He was a killer safety last time he played! How are YOU doing tho?? I miss you mommy!!
So this week went super well overall tho missionary work wise. We were able to find some really cool new people to work with this week! We have this mom and her two kids who have been through a lot lately. Well we brought this member over with us and he instantly fellowshipped them and began to offer help and service to them! She ended up being sick this weekend and so he went and made dinner for them and gave it to them and you could tell she was a little surprised but could feel the love that we had for her and her family! We also had this girl come to church who is doing a report on different religions and she absolutely loved it! She said she loves how family oriented it is and how organized and pure hearted everyone is! We're gonna start meeting with her this week and teaching her more which we're super super excited about! I went on exchanges with Elder Lange this week who's from Payson and we had a fun time together! He's been out one transfer and so he had a lot of questions and it was fun to talk about what I've learned so far on my mission and sharing it with him! It's hard to think that my mission is halfway over. I don't feel like it's been that long... But it does feel like it has been that long at the same time haha. It's a crazy feeling.
I truly am sooo blessed to be a part of this family!! Thank you for everything mom!!
Well I hope you have a grrrreeeattt week Mom!:) Thank you for everything you do!! Let me know if there's anything I can do for you!
Love you Mom
Love Your Son Elder Ashworth
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