So this week went really well!! Our investigator H is getting married this weekend so me and Elder Cooper are gonna go crash it! We're gonna show up, steal the Microphone from the DJ, and go strait into teaching them all the Restoration and the Law of Chastity and commit them to baptism! I'll let you know how it goes. I'll have Sister Reising come and video it so you can see if it works ;) Haha no but we're really excited they are getting married! Then he's getting baptized a couple weeks after which will be even more amazing! :) You can already see the difference just in his eyes. It reminds me the scripture in 3 Nephi 18 where it says that The light of the body is the eye, and if therefore, thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light and it's so true! He's been making those necessary changes in his life and his whole body is beginning to be filled with light and it's one of the best things in the world to watch! We also have B who has made HUGE progress! He was smoking almost 1 pack a day and within 2 weeks he quit and doesn't drink coffee anymore! He's been coming to church for the past 3 or 4 weeks and you can just tell that there's something different about him. He's waiting for a couple of other things to get cleared up so he can be baptized but he's stoked to enter the waters soon! :) I was able to go on exchanges with and Elder named Elder Black and it was awesome! Now Elder Black will openly tell you that he has very minor autism but it doesn't stop him from getting work done! He's one of the most Christlike missionaries I've met. You can just tell that if you asked him to do something for you, he'd do it without hesitation; we need more people like him in this world. We played chess and since it has been a while since I played he helped re-teach me how to play and absolutely destroyed me!! Haha he was using all this terminology and showing me 50 different moves I could have done so I would have had a better chance of winning and all this stuff and I could have sworn he was speaking a different language! Haha it was really fun tho :) I was studying the Sabbath day this week a little and it says multiple times that keeping the sabbath day will keep us "unspotted from the world" Well when you look up "unspotted" it refers you strait to Chastity, and cleanliness. And so I started to think about how dirty and un-chaste this world is and I think it's because we don't keep the Sabbath Day even close to as holy as we need to. We're promised it will help keep us unspotted from the world yet millions of members of the church are deep into the world far from being clean and unspotted. Luckily there is repentance, but once you're 'of the world' and addicted to worldly things, it's very difficult to get back out. I really think we should all re-evaluate what we do on the sabbath and think of the signs our actions on the sabbath give to the Lord. I bet we'd all be a little disappointed in ourselves and the things we have justified to be ok to do on the Lords day when we know it's really not. We had a meeting with the stake president this week and it was awesome! We're rolling out a couple new things that I had been thinking about for a while so I'm excited to see if my ideas help the whole stake progress. It was just good to get to know him and gain his trust. I'm excited for this Zone. It's growing really quick and I feel really blessed to be a part of it. It kind of dawned on me that the Lord has blessed me a lot my whole mission in that I've always been sent to areas and Zones that can progress and grow quick! I know it's nothing I do so it's been humbling to see Heavenly Father just take the wheel and bless us for our efforts.
How are all the boys doing?? Are they all happy? How's dad doing? Are you guys playing a lot of tennis together?? How is Sarah and Cam doin? Is Miles still your favorite child?...

haha I miss that little rascal!! Did you get the photos from Brother Larson in our ward?? He's got a house in Utah in the river woods and I think it'd be cool if you take him and his wife out to dinner or lunch or something! He's flying out there on Tuesday! His wife isn't a member but she has sent out 4 missionaries and her Husband is in the bishopric but she's a really nice lady from what I can tell. How are you doing tho Mom? Are you happy?? I hope you're happy!



️ I miss you and can't wait to talk on Christmas!! I have a feeling now that it's almost October that it will go by quick! I miss you mom! I hope you have a great week


Love Your Son
Elder Ashworth
P.S. My ankle is healing nicely. i’m off crutches and just in a walking boot. It gets sore at night sometimes but other than that I’m good. Thanks for all the prayers!!
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