This week I was studying in Ether about the Brother of Jared and his journey to the American continent because of the wickedness of the people. All of chapter 1 Mohonri Moriancumer is conversing and pleading with the Lord that he will lead his people to safety and preserve the language they spoke which was the Adamic language. That's the language Adam and Eve spoke and it was so pure and powerful that he didn't want it to be lost because of the wickedness of the people who were building the Tower of Babel. It might not seem like a huge deal but to him it was. Well In the last verse the Lord says "43 And there will I bless thee and thy seed, and raise up unto me of thy seed, and of the seed of thy brother, and they who shall go with thee, a great nation. And there shall be none greater than the nation which I will raise up unto me of thy seed, upon all the face of the earth. And thus I will do unto thee because this long time ye have cried unto me" Many times we'll pray so so so hard for small and simple things or even big things but after a week of not receiving an answer give up in asking for that thing because of our lack of faith. With the Brother of Jared though the Lord told him that his posterity would be safe and blessed and his language would be safe "because this long time he have cried unto me" After reading this it dawned on me that I have too often given up to quick in asking my Heavenly Father for things. If we all just continue with faith we will receive answers. Matthew 7:7 ¶Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:" This week we saw a lot of miracles! Obviously conference was AMAZING!!! I love watching conference and receiving inspiration for my life and the lives of our investigators. As always, I felt like many of the talks were meant just for ME! I felt like they talked a ton about the atonement and trusting in our faith and our leaders. In these last days it will be those who can and will follow the counsel of their leaders that will be safe. I'm excited to apply the things I learned! I definitely would also say that Elder Hollands and Elder Bednars talks were my favorite!! I couldn't stop thinking of you during Hollands talk!! We were driving up to our investigators wedding with the Bishop when we were listening to it and it was tough to hold back the tears. I love you so much mom
So it made me super happy to see Erin at the BYU game with you and even happier to see Tanner braiding her hair
So that's awesome that you got to meet Brother Larsen!! He's such a cool guy! I asked myself those same questions when I met his wife! She'll come around sooner or later! That makes me super happy to her Steven’s knee is going to be healed and ready for the season!! Send me some videos of him playing!! I wanna see how he's improved since I left!!
It's crazy how fast times flying!! I love my mission soooo much!! This has been the best growing and learning experience I could have had at this point in my life. I know that it's preparing me for lots of different things to come! Thank you for helping me and supporting me so much!
How's your photography going mom?
I love you mom
Love Elder Ashworth
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