So this week was a BUSY BUSY BUSY week!! Even with all the meetings though we were able to find some really cool new people! One of the recent converts here named S finally introduced us to his parents and we're teaching them now which was a really cool and spiritual lesson. They've seen the influence in his life and you could tell they they're ready to see what we're all about. We also met this lady who lives right next to them who was picking up some garbage that was in her yard so we just went and helped her pick it up. We quickly referred to the restoration and you could tell it caught her attention. She asked us if we would start coming over and teaching her more and of course we said "yes" and we're gonna see her again on Wednesday! Her husband just left her after 20 years and you could tell that she was just looking for some sort of peace and happiness. We're excited to teach her and help her get that peace and comfort she's looking for! I'll keep you updated on how she progresses! The members here are all pretty cool! We had a fun testimony meeting yesterday... By 9:50 there had only been 1 testimony was a Don Ashworth kind of story but it was good
They just announced that the stake is going to dissolve the Spanish groups and just do a Spanish branch so that's been a buzz lately. Lots of the members are bummed because the stake has worked so hard to help mesh the Spanish and non Spanish together and now they're just going to separate again. It'll all work out though. If they have a true testimony of the Stake presidency and in the Lord then everything will work out the way it needs to.
I loved your spiritual thought! I am so glad that you guys raised me in this gospel as well. It's blessed my life more then I could even imagine!! I've came to know my savior so much better these past months and have come to gain a lot more patience and love for everyone I meet! It's been truly amazing.
I loved your spiritual thought! I am so glad that you guys raised me in this gospel as well. It's blessed my life more then I could even imagine!! I've came to know my savior so much better these past months and have come to gain a lot more patience and love for everyone I meet! It's been truly amazing.
Being with President and Sister Berry and their family yesterday was a really fun experience. One that most missionaries don't get to have so I'm soooo grateful for this chance I have to serve and be around them more! She's such a sweet lady!! Even tho she's a ute
I hope you guys have a great week!! We don't go to the same chapel as Valera but we're In the same stake so we'll get to see her more!! I miss her a lot. Thank you for all you do for me mom!! I appreciate it sooooo much!! You're the best!! I love you to the moon and back!
Love Elder Ashworth
I hope you guys have a great week!! We don't go to the same chapel as Valera but we're In the same stake so we'll get to see her more!! I miss her a lot. Thank you for all you do for me mom!! I appreciate it sooooo much!! You're the best!! I love you to the moon and back!
Love Elder Ashworth
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