So this week was awesome!! I found out that I'm not training next transfer which is a bummer.... President didn't think that I was prepared enough.... Haha jk, there were a couple reasons why I'm not training but he said I'll be able to go with and help a younger missionary which will be just as good! I'm really excited to get a new scene! I've been AP here for 8 months and I've loved it! But it becomes very hard to plan and such when you know everyone here and know their schedules and when they can or can't meet! So going to a new area will be good for me! Marcos is SET AND READY for his baptism this Saturday! Man I'm so so so excited for him! He's such an answer to prayer! I prayed so hard at the beginning of the week that I'd be able to see one more conversion while I was here! Next thing you know, I run into Marcos on exchanges and he's progressed ever since! He's such an amazing guy! The ward is very very excited for him! We've also been able to find two more part member families who we're now working with which will be good! A lot of the Less Actives that we see have been coming back to church and it's been amazing to watch the light and love of the gospel wiggle it's way back into their lives! You can just look into their eyes and see that they are much happier then when we first met them. The problem in most of society is something that President Monson talked about in his General Conference Talk "choices". He said, "May we ever choose the harder right instead of the easier wrong.". Most people these days act as the state of a liquid rather then a solid. They follow and choose the path of least resistance. Rather then pushing themselves to accomplish bigger and better things, they always and instinctively take the easiest route. It's like Laman and Lemuel. Laman and Lemuel were comfy and confident in their usual life back in Jerusalem. Their father warned them of the consequences of staying and they had to have seen the destruction of Jerusalem coming, but they knew that their journey through the wilderness would be very very long and hard. They didn't want to go because they knew they would have to work and would have to change their attitude. So, rather then allowing the situation and the Lord to change them and help them become better, they complained and ended up bringing a curse of laziness and entitlement upon most of their offspring. I see this all the time out here with Less Active members. They know the church is true, but they know that the second they start to come back to church they'll feel guilty for not keeping the commandments and will have to change and get rid of bad habits. So, they "choose the easier wrong" rather then "the harder right". Then, their children usually grow up with no spiritual foundation and end up similar to the lamanites. It's so sad to see, but that is what most the world is coming to. Sooooo, us as Latter-Day Saints have to always be the example of "choosing the harder right" and find joy, happiness, success and peace in doing so. I know that as we do that, we, and our families and friends that surround us will be blessed and will want to follow our Christlike example.
I love you soooo much mom!☺️❤️😘 I cannot wait to talk to you guys next week! We'll be skyping at 8pm our time so 6pm your time if that works for you! I miss you!
Love Elder Ashworth
SpongeBob lovers.... |
I decided to get a perm….or is it the humidity??? HAHA |
Soooo Elder Langston is now my least fav comp I've had because he went out and bought two of the same ties as me! Sooo mad... But it's ok, we
matched that day and it was fun. HAHA!! |
Probably the last baptismal interview I'll do :( She's from the Philippines and passed with flying colors! |
Buddy is one of their investigators that Elder Peacock and I found and
taught about 3 times in St Cloud about a year ago and now he's getting
baptized in Vero beach! |
Our adopted black child Shawn     Haha don't worry! He's ok with us calling him that  |
Caught a Lizard! |
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