So this week was wonderful! On Wednesday night we went to the church to see if any of our recent converts were there. Well when we got there we saw that one of our former investigators had come with our member Shawn to play some basketball. Well we pulled him and another member into a side room and taught him the restoration again. The spirit was super strong the entire lesson. He was asking perfect questions and it was an amazing lesson. Well at the end of it we taught him how to pray and had him say the kneeling closing prayer. At the end of the prayer I knew he had felt it when he asked if Joseph Smith was a prophet. I said to him "Barney (that's his nick name) you felt it and just received an answer didn't you. He said "yes" and so we committed him to be baptized in June. He accepted and he came to church this Sunday and really enjoyed it! The coolest thing that happened this week was Marcos's baptism! It was also super super spiritual and he bore his testimony afterwards about how the day we stopped by was the day that he was dealing with bad bad depression. He talked about how ever since that day his life has just gotten so much better and he's much happier and sees the bigger picture of life! It was very heart warming to hear him talk about that and know that Heavenly Father lead us to his house that day for a very specific purpose. Last but not least was talking to you guys!! I LOVE talking to you guys on Christmas and Mothers Day! I'm not going to lie tho, it's always an adjustment afterward tho! For about an hour I feel as if I'm back home! Then the second I hang-up reality hits again and I realize that I'm not home but that I'm still on my mission. Haha so that's hard for a bit but you just gotta snap out of it and carry on!
Love Elder Ashworth
Got to see my recent convert Sandy this week. I got some new sunglasses
too. Cant remember where i got them and dont know if they're mens or
womens but who cares right? haha |
We take the youth out a lot cuz they always have friends or family
around that we can go teach! I'm gonna miss the youth here a lot! |
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