Monday, June 6, 2016

Week 97


So this week was a good one! We were on bikes and probably almost got hit by crazy drivers just about everyday, but Heavenly Father seems to always protect us! We're seeing a lot of miracles right now which has been awesome. Yesterday we had a couple non members show up that were just strait miracles! We had a guy from Mexico who met with missionaries there ride his bike over 2 hours to come to church! He lives in a different stake but we were able to teach him and take him to Gospel Principles and priesthood with us and he is super excited to meet with the missionaries up there in the other stake! We also had a recent converts non-member husband and son come to church who we've been trying to work with and they said they'd both be coming each week from now on which will be awesome! So we're pumped to work with them. Another cool one was that our two investigators Deshawn and Christelle came and both enjoyed it! They're both getting pretty close to baptism so keep them in your prayers! Last was a guy named Ron who this member brought. Ron is from the Philippines and really really loved church and is excited to meet with us this week! I've been praying for miracles like this to happen for over a month and this week Heavenly Father just let the floodgates of miracles open up to us! We have been working very hard in my opinion so it was nice to have a little it of a pay day on Sunday with all those people come to church. We also had a few less actives come to church and one of them bore her testimony about how grateful she was that the missionaries haven't given up on her. It was nice to hear that. We found some really cool investigators this week as well which was cool! One of them was a lady who went to church for over a year and a half in Texas but never joined the church because basically she was never committed to pray to know if this was Gods church... Haha so we committed her to do that and she's coming to church with her two sons this week! We had the YM president come over with us to that lesson and he clicked well with her! So we have the bishop and his wife coming to this next lesson on Tuesday and it should be awesome! One bad thing that happened this last week was on Sunday we got DUMPED on on our bikes and then my chain got stuck and I was peddling super hard when it got stuck and so when it got stuck it got bent because I was trying to peddle so hard. So we called a member with a truck to come pick us up and come to our last two lessons of the night with us and then drop us off at our apartment. Other then that it was a pretty cool week. I got a new chain and now my bike is good as new again!!

Have a great week!! I love you so much!!! you so so so much!

Love Your Son Elder Ashworth

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