Monday, July 27, 2015

Week 52


I'm glad to hear you guys had a fun and eventful week!! I heard you got to the House Boat and the cleaners hadn't done anything... Haha that's kinda lame. I'm super excited that Erin gets to go with you guys! I miss you Mom!! So so much! I can't believe that the Hartles were at my house!! It was crazy because I was on exchanges that day and I usually take the person I'm with on exchanges to Chipotle and buy them lunch. Well the sprit for some reason told me to go to firehouse subs instead and it was odd. Well when I saw the time that they purchased the gift card it was the EXACT time I would have been there! And then that would have been breaking the rules... And you know me!! I love keeping the rules!️ So I'm happy but also sad I followed the sprit lol!!

So we had another pretty cool experience happen to us this week during lunch time! So it was time for lunch and I usually like to go to chipotle. Well for some reason I felt like going to chick-fil-a. I was craving chipotle but the spirit kind of just drove the car to chick-fil-a haha! Well not even 3 minutes after entering we had this guy come up to us and tell us that he needed to talk to us. We said ok and went out by his car and started talking to him. Turns out he's a member but has been living exactly opposite of the gospel. He couldn't stop crying while he was telling us his story. He knows the church is true and knows he needs to come back to be happy. He said he has two daughters who are 11 and 12 who haven't been baptized yet and he wants to be the one to baptize him. We obviously comforted him with scriptures and told him we would help. He doesn't live in our area but we're staying in contact with him while the other missionaries by where he lives meet with him. It was so awesome to see Heavenly Father lead us directly to this man. He said "I was just thinking about finding the closest church to talk to one of the bishops but I just couldn't get myself to do it. And them, out of the blue you guys walk in and I know it was a sign from God that it was time to return" Man was it a spiritual experience!! The Holy Ghost plays such a bigger role in our lives then we can even comprehend. We need to be in tune with him at all times!! There is so much safety and so many miracles that come from living and serving like that!

So the Q are set for August 5th for their baptism and it's set in stone!! I'm so excited for them!! I've been working with them since I got here and I'm so pumped I get to watch them finally enter the waters of baptism and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost! Like I said before, we don't realize how desperately we need that in our lives!! I'm so so so grateful to have been baptized at 8 years old so I could be influenced in righteous ways so early on in my life!

I hope you guys have a grrrreeaaatttt week in Powell!! Don't get hurt and do what Rebecca says...."Whooo wants suuunscrreeeennn" haha Im praying you guys have half as good of a time without me Swimming with the Dolphins just won't be the same without me Cuz lezzbeehonest... I was the best looking dolphin out there
<--- (Captain Todd) Haha again have fun and be safe!! Can't wait to get pics next week to see all your smiling sunburnt (Besides Rebecca) faces! Take some cool long exposure pics for me too!!
I love you mom! Have fun and get super tan while you can!!

Your summer is gonna run out quick! Mine won't tho Love you Mom. You're the best ever!!

Love Your Elder

Elder Ashworth.

Monday, July 20, 2015

Week 51


I'm sorry that it was kind of a slow week for you! :( It went really fast for me! Elder Terry and I are super pumped for this transfer together!! He’s super cool and chill and we already get a long really well! We have basically already adjusted to each other which is great! The Zone continues to do well which makes us both happy! This week was awesome! We were able to get a lot of members out with us to lessons and have been seeing lots of miracles from it! Its been sooooo good to get to know the members and gain their trust! They help make the work a lot easier. A is reading and praying now which is good! M and K are doing well too! J and S should be getting baptized either this weekend or next which will be awesome! I've been working with them ever since i got here so it will be cool to see them make the next step in their gospel progression! We went to a fireside with R last night and he enjoyed it! He has been doing really well lately too! He’s a stud. We should be going to the temple with S here too soon which will be great!! She continues to come to church week after week and is doing soooo well! Its been awesome to see all the Recent Converts I’ve been able to work with stay active! T and E in Clermont are still active, K in College Park is still active, and everyone here is basically still active!! It’s amazing! My testimony of personal scripture study and prayer has grown so so much while being out here on my mission. I can tell right away when I walk into an investigators home if they did their scripture study and prayed or not. There is a light that comes about us when we do those things!

So that’s so awesome you got to go see Elder Peacock! I miss him a lot but again, Elder Terry is awesome!! He does have such a strong testimony of Jesus Christ and being able to serve with him was such a blessing in my life and in my mission! He helped me a lot in many different aspects! I’m glad you guys got to meet him. I’m kinda jelly you guys get to go to Powell next week but I’m sure you will have TONS of fun!! I hope you guys have a fun and safe week! Thank you for all the prayers and support! I can definitely feel them! I love you all so much!

Love Elder Ashworth

Monday, July 13, 2015

Week 50


This week was pretty amazing and crazy busy! We went on 4 exchanges which was fun but tiring! You always stay up late talking and don't get as much sleep as needed so to have 4 nights like that this week wore me out! Haha but it's all good! Two of the coolest things happened this week for me! So on Wednesday we were able to go to the temple with two of our recent converts R and G and watch them do baptisms for the dead! Elder Peacock and I couldn't get in the water but they let us get dressed to be the witnesses which was really cool! The spirit was so strong there. The temple president came to talk to us and he really made me want to do more temple and family work when I get home. I then got to watch R bless the Sacrament and get set apart as a Ward Missionary which was amazing! It's so much fun to watch our Recent Converts progress and become happier and happier. Nothing is more rewarding in missionary work then that. We also had two really good lessons with our investigators J and S and they should be getting baptized in two weeks. One of them is ready but the other still is a little nervous about everything. We promised him if he read and prayed everyday and asked specifically if Joseph Smith was a Prophet and if he needed to be baptized that he would know he needs to be. We have full confidence he will be ready. We have another investigator family and their 3 kids who are doing really well too. They're working towards baptism in August and are really grasping all the lessons well! They enjoyed church a lot and are excited to keep coming! We also have R & A and their 2 kids who are doing ok. Getting A to read is super tough but she's getting better. R just started to listen to the scriptures on his phone while he's at work rather then listening to music and he is doing suuupperrrr well!! He's ready, we just need to get them married and they'll be there! H is doing well too. He had a little hiccup but he met with the Bishop and is still wanting to come and be baptized, just in his own due time. His wife's a member but is not pushy at all so it's tough because she doesn't really encourage or push him to take that leap of faith. He'll get baptized soon though, I know he will. Z who is R's brother is doing well too. He's in the process of choosing his own baptismal date right now so we're excited about that. We're gonna try to get his Grandma and Grandpa who are super solid members to push him a little more to try and speed up his progress!:) We picked up one of our investigators daughters friends and she is doing well too. We're gonna meet with her mom this week to see if we can start teaching her too! She loves church so we hope she'll push her mom to do this with her. Overall things are going pretty well right now! I love this area and Ward and am sooooo pumped to be able and stay another transfer!

It's been hard being with Peacock his last transfer... Killing a companion is super tough mentally. You have to fight hard not to think a lot about home and how much longer you still have left. It's been ok though. I'm pushing through and it's been a good experience!

I love you so much Mom! I'm glad you guys had fun on Trek. Seeing those pictures of you and hearing the story about Steven doing that for that young man brought tears of joy to my eyes. He's such a good kid. I want to become more like him. I miss you all so much but am so happy to be in the position I'm in right now! I love you to death mom! I'm excited to see my next transfer tie come in the mail soon. I hope you guys have a great fun week! Be safe and know that I love you!!

Love Your Son Elder Ashworth.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Week 49


So this week was amazing! So last Sunday Night we stopped by a former investigators house. When we went to knock on the door they pulled up in their car. He and his wife instantly let us in and we were able to teach them the Restoration.  We then met with them on Friday and had a really cool member with us and we read with them from the Book of Mormon and answered some questions. At the end of the lesson we invited them to church and they said they'd be able to come! Well they ended up showing up and they really liked it!! Then last night we went back over and taught them the Plan of Salvation and we had another member who just got baptized and he was super good fellowship for them! The spirit was so so so strong! It was amazing. We ended up setting a baptismal date with them and they are soooo excited to learn even more! We're going to see them again on Friday and they want us to meet their 3 kids 😃😃😃 We know exactly which kids in the ward will be good for them and we are just so excited to watch them progress!! 

Our 4th of July was really good! We started out with the ward party that morning and then did the booth for like 7 hours!! Haha I must have handed out 1,000 pass along cards and pamphlets! We had a good amount of people want to meet with missionaries as well which is cool so we'll see how that goes! I am so grateful for Valera and The Berry's! They are such amazing and inspiring people. Being able to be in this Ward has been the greatest blessing of my mission so far id have to say. The members here are just solid and willing to do missionary work! I feel like I'm at home. I don't feel like I can leave this Ward. This is like my home Ward! We are going to dinner at the Berry’s tonight because Elder Call is going home next week.  He has been AP for like 7 months so he became AP while I was about to leave Clermont almost. He's super cool and I'm excited for him. Elder Peacock is happy but sad like most missionaries that he's leaving. I'm not going to lie, it's been a little tough on me always hearing all everyone talk to him about going home. I don't want to go home but it makes me think about things back home and kinda miss it. But it's ok😊 Time is going by super fast and they say your last year goes by even quicker so I'm interested to see if that's true or not😉 

I'm glad you guys had a lot of fun at Gunlock! It looks like you guys were all safe and happy which makes me happy! I loved all the pics you sent me and stuff! Haha those made my week! I hope the boat works ok I'm Powell.  What happened to it this time? Well I love and miss you so much! I hope you guys have a great week and know how much you mean to me! I couldn't do this without you! Have a great week ok!! I love you!!😊❤

Love Your Son Elder Ashworth 
Us With captain America! Better then Rocky Balboa :)

Us with our recent convert R at the party

Our investigator J playing us some nice tunes!

Oh, and I caught a Duck... 
Love you