Monday, June 8, 2015

Week 45


(I got Tyler’s bank statement and was surprised he spent $60 at 7-Eleven so I asked him about it and this was his answer)

What happened at 7-Eleven was we were driving to a meeting and saw a man pushing his car. Well there was a little hill that he got stuck on to get into the gas station so we pulled over and helped. He said thank you and so we asked where he was from and where he was going. He proceeded to tell us that he had just gotten a flat, and ran out of gas. His family was sitting in the Costco parking lot waiting for him to figure things out. He had no money and had to drive 40 more miles to get to his sons house where they were going to figure things out. So I filled up his tank with gas and gave him some money to fix his tire.

Seeing that Stevo did AWESOME at camp made my week! :) I was super super happy for him! He deserves it. I'm glad you and Miles liked our song! That's also cool that Linda cut Madsens Hair! I still wish I could have gotten her to cut mine while I was there! He looks happy! He leaves to Panama this week😬 That's so wild that was 6 weeks ago that you picked him up from the Airport! Again, time just flys by! Tell Dads friends thank you so much for the jersey and chocolates!! I loved it all!! Also thank you for the pants and tie and package!! The pants fit perfect and the tie is sweet!! idk if I told you but I love the J-Crew Cotton Line ties! They're the best! So thank you for those Mom😊

So overall this week was amazing!! We have been getting a lot of referrals from members which is awesome! Just yesterday our Recent Convert S gave us the address to her ex-daughter in laws house and so we went over and she was super excited to see us! She invited us back for dinner which was really cool! Another youth in the Ward gave us the number of one of her friends who has come to church before and liked it and we're supposed to meet up this week too!! The Ward here is just killing it. A good amount of our investigators were able to make it to church this Sunday which was great! G is getting baptized on the 19th which we're super excited about! H, who's wife was a less active member hasn't missed church in 2 months and is excited to get baptized at the beginning of July. We have some other people set for mid July as well who are progressing quick so overall the work is hastening here!😃 President Berry just came out with a new rule that we can go to do baptisms for the dead with our Recent Converts for their first time so we're planning on going a decent amount😏😊 I never realized how blessed we are to have temples so close to us back home. Here people have to drive almost an Hour! Which really isn't even that bad compared to other places in the world! Back home, if you had a extra hour or even 45 min you could go do some names at the temple real quick and then get back to your everyday schedule! Here, you have to make a whole trip out of it. It's just kinda crazy to think of how blessed we are to have temples. I'm so grateful for the priesthood as well. There is this awesome member in our Ward who just started Chemotherapy. The day before he went into his first session he asked for a priesthood blessing. We blessed him with mainly just peace and comfort knowing that Heavenly Father would make sure everything works the ways it needs to if he continues to keep the commandments. This week he bore his testimony that he is much healthier then the doctors expected and that after his blessing he had no more fear. He knew that what we promised in the blessing would come to pass. The Power of the Priesthood is so real. I feel so blessed to had grown up with a father who held it worthily at all times. Being able to receive blessings whenever truly needed was such a blessing. Whenever I'm feeling down or sad I many times have just wished Dad could be here to give me a blessing and some of his wise council. I hope I can be like that to my own kids when I have them.

Elder Peacock and I are still getting a long... I guess😋 Haha no we're getting a long great! I'm happy but also sad I get to kill him off and send him home. It's crazy how fast times flying by!! Weeks seem like days and Transfers seems like weeks.

Well I love you so much mom!! Thank you for everything you do!! You are seriously the best! I miss and love you soooooo much!😘😊 Thank you for the emails throughout the week! They help a lot! Have a great week and I'll talk to you soon!

Love Your Son, Elder Ashworth💙❤️💙

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