Monday, April 11, 2016

Week 89

Heyyyy mom!!☺️☺️❤️❤️☺️☺️

This week was great!! We saw a ton of miracles! On exchanges we had a lesson fall through so Elder Honda and I decided to go stop by a super super less active lady to see how she was doing. She's usually never open to us coming over but for some reason we felt like we should still stop by. Well her nephew who's 30 answered the door and we ended up teaching him and he came to church this week and LOVED it!! All the members were fellowshipping him and you could tell that he felt very very welcomed and loved! Another cool miracle was this member brough her non member friend from Peru to church and we ended up teaching him last night and he loved church as well and really wants to get baptized down in Peru! I could for sure see him being a stake president or something like that down there! He's such a solid guy! We got basically all the less active youth in the ward to church this week which was also a miracle! We've been working a lot with the youth and it's starting to pay off. The YM leader was super excited to see all of them there. Elder Chidester and i who I went to school with were able to go on exchanges this week which was super fun! We were able to teach this kid named G who's two best friends are members. They're seniors in high school and G really has a deep deep desire to learn and improve his relationship with Christ. We had a good lesson with him about how the Restoration can apply to him and he really was excited to read and pray about what we shared! Things just continue to fall into place for us here like usual. I'm so thankful for the chance I'll have to come home right when the boys are at that critical point In their lives. I feel like I left and will come home at the perfect time. I'm excited to keep those boys in line 😉

I love you so much Mom! This week is going to be crazy busy and I'm getting tired of all these meetings and the stress that goes into planning all of them! But it will be worth it! I love youuuu!!

Love Elder Ashworth!❤️☺️❤️

Went to eat at sister Stanleys on exchanges and she LOVES taking pics of the missionaries! 😂😂

So after our exchanges up in Daytona we forgot to grab a basketball of one of the elders who
previously served there! He reminded us like 10 times to grab it cuz we forgot last time and then
we somehow forgot again!! So we ended up having the other elders just drive down a bit and give it to us.
So we just pulled off on the side of the freeway to wait so
I decided to mess with the long exposure features on my camera!

S came to church this week so we took him to get ice creme after a lesson we took him to with us!

Frozen Yogurt with the senior couple the Beans!! They're awesome!
Even tho Elder Bean looks ticked, he really is. Happy man😂
I took out this kids stitches. He walked in and said "Hey does anyone know how to take out stitches?"
And I for some reason said "Ya I can do it"... Idk why I did, maybe cuz I've
had Aunt Heidi and Dr. Murdock given me them enough times and seen the triplets
and Stevo get them enough that I felt like I could take them out haha! It went well and he's healing well!

With our recent convert T as he eats his fav meal! Cheesy toast with jelly 🤔😜
haha it's sooo gross but he likes it!

Teaching E our recent convert and his bros!

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