Monday, April 18, 2016

Week 90

So this week was AMAZINGGG!! We were able to go on 3 exchanges and I'm EXHAUSTED!!! Haha each night I'd tell the other Elder, "Hey, I'm wicked tired, can we just chit chat a bunch tomorrow?" And they'd say "Ya for sure!" But then they'd ask one question about missionary work and next thing I knew, we were both deep deep into Preach my Gospel and the scriptures and it was 1 in the morning as I we would be learning and discussing different ideas and ways of finding success and helping other missionaries do the same!😂 Haha so I know that Heavenly Father was helping me get as much deep sleep as possible to make sure I stayed awake for the lessons and drive home the next day! Those were all great exchanges tho! I got to go up to Eustis for the day and Elder Langston and I's recent convert Linda lives up in that Ward now so I got to go see her! She is such an amazing lady! She's preparing to go to get her endowments In a few months here which is gonna be SWEETTT!! I for sure wanna try and make it back for that! We were able to go do some service for our investigator Marcos who lives with a older less active women and it felt good to get out of the proselyting clothes and get into the work work clothes and mow the lawn and pull and dig out some weeds and all that! I have a MEGA farmers tan now😂 Good thing I've got an amazing girl from Salem where farmers tans are pretty common ;);) (Not that there's anything wrong with that) -Seinfeld quote for those well educated people ;) So little side note, Sister Berry (Mission Presidents wife) and I quote Seinfeld to each other ALLL DAY LONG!! Haha President just chuckles that we both know so many Seinfeld one liners 😂 But anyways, that service did a lot for him and he came to church again and is SOOO excited to get baptized! He has one word of wisdom concern that we're working on, but I have full faith that he'll get over it. Heavenly Father wants him to be able to get baptized, so it will happen. Marcos reminds me a lot of our other recent convert Tom! It was funny, cuz In Gospel principles yesterday Tom and Marcos got put together to teach the class about repentance. It was such a cool experience to see our Recent Convert from 3 months ago teach our soon to be recent convert and then watch them present this topic together in front of the whole class! It was funny cuz Tom has been listening to all the Doctrine and Covenants and he is realizing that God is just and that repentance is very important. So when he was teaching the class he said "Everyone has or will have the opportunity to repent. But if you don't take that chance, then you will not live in the celestial kingdom, you'll be damned, and it's pretty much adios to you" Hahah the whole class was cracking up and then our investigator Marcos who was helping him teach said with a strait face (this is true, we must repent) Another cool thing that happened was our recent convert Victor Jr got the Aaronic priesthood so he can go on the youth temple trip this next week. Chris Garcia our other RC also got his Aaronic priesthood and Tom (another > RC) who helped fellowship Chris was able to stand in the circle with us to ordain him to be a priest! So overall, it was a great week!

So the doctors visit was I got kneed super super bad in the thigh while playing basketball and my knee was messed up so I went and got it X-rayed. It's completely fine now, but that's what it was about.

I love you soooo much Mom☺️❤️ Thank you soooo much for all you do for me!☺️😚❤️ I hope you have a great week!

Love Elder Ashworth

Our investigator Henry who we're teaching everything and then when he goes back to Peru
at the end of the month he'll be baptized right away!
He's sooo solid! He is staying with a member of our ward.

Exchanges with Elder Jurges who I came out with! We didn't get any pics during the day
so we had to take a random one in the apartment before we ended the exchange haha

Eddy Dean who is a member up in Eustis! He's a funny dude!

Our RC Linda has Elder Langston and I as her wallpaper! Haha that always feels good as a missionary!

Got to go see Linda this week up in Eustis! She's doing GREAT and is excited
to go to the temple to receive her endowments!

Came into the bathroom up in Eustis and Elder Crismon wrote this on his mirror!
It says "Were you like Elder Ashworth today?"

Went out with Brother Reising this week! He's such a funny man!
He goes out with the missionaries ALLL the time!

Spotted a gator on exchanges!! I was with an Elder who is going home in a few weeks
and it was his first time seeing a Gator!

Helped Sebastian clean his room! Mopped it and vacuumed and dusted and EVERYTHING!!
Hopefully he can feel the spirit in his own room now!

One of their members had a "Trust me, I'm a Mormon" shirt on. Great missionary tool!

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