Monday, October 6, 2014

Week 10

How good was Conference?? I loved every single talk! Each one said something that I could apply to our investigators.

Elder Holland never disappoints. With how much we have been given we should give just as much back. It really hit home because it made me realize how much I have been given in life. It makes me feel so grateful and sad at the same time. I have taken so much for granted all my life. Here in Florida almost everyone is in debt. Their houses are almost always a wreck, and they don't even know the true purpose to life. Most people say to learn and to just make it through so you can live with God again. Its not just about making it through. It's about enjoying life and all that Heavenly Father has given us such as a body, friends and family, a wonderful world to live on and explore. Money is not a part of Gods plan. Unfortunately we need it to survive on this earth. But with those that do have money they are expected and commanded to give back as much as they can.

Elder Bednar gave an amazing investigator talk! I loved how he used that band-aid example to missionary work. That is exactly how I see it. I have something that I want to share with everyone because of how much it has helped me in life.

Another one I liked was the one by Tadd R Callister where he talked about worldy distractions. I pictured dad saying right after he gave his talk about being sent to the library by his mom and not being able to watch TV "Ok Stevo and Trips, we're cancelling our Direct TV account and are gonna start reading more" haha and then i can hear them saying back "Haha good one Dad, Mom would never let that happen! How would she watch her 1920's BYU Football re-runs"  :):):) haha

 Did you guys go to Gunlock for Conference?

So I wrote you a letter and it should be there within the next week! It shares more details about the work going on right now here in Clermont.

Florida is so amazing! The weather is perfect right now.

Love you so much!!

Love Elder Ashworth

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