Monday, October 27, 2014

Week 13

So this past week so suuuper busy! The Lord is blessing us with so many teaching opportunities its crazy! It seems like every appointment that falls through, the first person we see we get to teach! Haha its so sweet! I love Florida so much. The people here are old and bitter like the Kastanzas, but we find a lot of young nice people as well! We were able set a couple new baptismal dates this past week with some solid investigators. We had the impression to just go drop in on one of our investigators, while riding over their we saw two kids and their grandma taking in groceries. We helped them out and just strait out asked if we could share a message with them about Jesus Christ and how his church is back on the earth today. They agreed and we were able to sit down with them and the two kids and teach them all the Restoration. Well it turns out that their grandma was baptized like 25 years ago but just hasn't had her records moved. She now attends a seventh day Adventist church but is ok with us teaching her two kids. They are really excited to get baptized! They tell us every visit how they cant wait to have all their sins washed away! Its really cool to see the change its already making in their lives.

I would share more experiences but I kinda feel like its bragging in a way... haha i know its not but I just feel more comfortable saying that we are doing well here in Clermont. This area is gonna explode pretty soon and I hope I'm still here to see it happen. Transfers are next week so I'll probably be staying here but with a new companion. The members here are all so amazing! I love them all so much! Thank you for all your support and prayers. I can't believe how quick times flyin by. Already two transfers out and i feel like i've been out a week!

Love you all so so so much!! Keep your eyes open for missionary opportunities! We always use the excuse that since we live in Utah we don't know any non members, but we all know that's garbage. Satan wants us to make excuses, so find someone who isn't a member, or less active, and just invite them to do some type of church related thing. I can promise our family will see so many blessings come from it

Have a great week and keep me posted on all the kids sports! Love you guys tons

Love Elder Ashworth

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