Monday, October 20, 2014

Week 12

Sorry that pic was super bad quality but I thought you'd like it. Her name is C and she has been baptized but now we are teaching her grandson and he should be baptized soon! I’m still goin crazy over how you were here just last week! You guys are nuts!! I love those pics though :)

So this past week has been crazy busy! We are having to schedule appointments a week in advance now. I was looking over the numbers from the months before i got here and each month they have gone up. Right now is about the best this area has done in a while. I know its not because of me though. Its because of Heavenly Father. My comp and I are trying really really hard to stick to the basics and just take every teaching opportunity we can get. We do a really spiritually lead weekly planning and it seems like every lesson that falls through, we end up finding someone right in that same area to teach!! Its so amazing! I feel so blessed to have a good amount of success this early in my mission. My Trainer said that i am learning and progressing a lot quicker then most missionaries usually do because I've had so many opportunities to teach and everything. I don't know why im being blessed with this, but I sure am grateful for it.

N is doing well. We just picked him back up and are going to try and teach him a little slower this time. He said he felt rushed at first so we are going to work on that. He is easily persuaded and "moved" so we try to go over the spirit a lot so he knows when he truly is feeling the spirit. All our investigators we teach we give them pretty a promised 4 step program to receive their answer from God. 1. Read the BOM everyday. 2. Pray every night and morning and ask specific questions such as "Is the Book of Mormon the word of God and Was Joseph Smith a true prophet" 3. Come to church every week. and 4. is be in daily contact with us missionaries so we can answer any questions they have. One thing we are struggling with is getting them to come to church. They do the first 3 but dont come to church. Its ok though, its a work in progress.

Their is a lot of potential here. This place is about to explode, me and my companion can sense it. We just have to continue to be humble, faithful, and do our part such as studying from PMG and the scriptures as much as possible so God can trust putting his Children in our hands.

Time is flying by too quick. I don’t like it. I don’t want it to go by this fast. It not that I don’t miss you guys, I just am learning so many things and this is the happiest I’ve ever been. Every night I am so exhausted I can barley plan for the next day. That’s what makes it so fun though :)

Love you all so much!!! Thanks for all the support and packages!! They help me out more then you guys think! Remember, STICK TO THE BASICS!! Read, Pray, Go to church and serve others and everything will work out the way God wants it too!

Love Elder Ashworth

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