Monday, April 13, 2015

Week 37

This week has been great! We were able to find some really cool new investigators! One of them is the Relief Society President’s mom who took the discussions in the past but stopped after a while. She requested a church dvd but didn't tell her daughter that she did it. Well we went to deliver it and now she's investigating the church and is doing really well! We were teaching her the Restoration and explaining the Book Of Mormon and Joseph Smith and she stopped and looked at me and said "That makes more sense, it's much more simple then the missionaries in the past taught it" It made me feel sooo good! Something I've worked on my entire mission is keeping my teaching simple so the spirit can testify to them more fully of what we teach. Knowing that she understood what we taught meant that we did our job and that it was just up to the Holy Ghost to give her the answer that it's all true! We went on two exchanges this week with other missionaries in the Zone and it went well. I feel like the attitude of a couple of the missionaries in this Zone is 'Perseverance' It's like some missionaries are just doing enough to keep them busy until the next P-Day which is the complete opposite attitude to have! We should be so bummed that we 'Have to' take a break that we're antsy for P-Day to end so we can get back to helping others become happier and closer to their Savior! So it made me think of just life in general. If we're living everyday to just make it to the weekend, or to the next break from school or work or even till the Second Coming or our death, we will look back and think to ourselves 'I'm a complete moron' There are so many things that we miss as we live our lives like that. Everything around us such as opportunities to learn, or serve, or teach flys over our head because mentally and/or spiritually we just aren't fully there; we're too busy picturing the next break we can get. This applies to serving a Mission especially! If we don't take advantage of each minute we have as a full time missionary then we will get to the afterlife and be so disappointed in ourselves for wasting time.... We don't have time to waste time. More fully realizing this has really helped motivate me at certain times on my mission. Those times when maybe I don't want to bike to a lesson, or see another less active that probably won't come back to church or whatever it may be have become less and less as I've applied being happy with where I'm at and living in the moment.
Overall this week has been great! Thank you again for all the support you give me! I really couldn't do it without you! I love you so so so much! Have a great week and don't live for the weekend:)
Love Elder Ashworth. 

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