Monday, December 22, 2014

Week 21

Im excited to talk to you guys as well! I will be Skyping you at around 3 so set up a skype because we cant facetime. If their are any technical difficulties ill call and we'll work it out. So we actually read that scripture with all of our investigators. We have been working really hard and helping them realize that they should start to become happier as they change their lives, repent, and start reading praying and coming to church. Verse 41 has really stuck out to me on my mission so far. I am the happiest i have ever been and i know its because im not being as selfish as i used to be and im focusing more on the souls of others rather then mine.

So this past week in church we talked about memorable Christmas's. One that really stood out to me was when i was really young we got a sub for santa family and i distinctly remember going to walmart and buying them a scooter. I really wanetd it so mom said that she'd let me decide if i wanted to give it to the family or if i wanted to keep it. If i remember correctly i decided to let them have it and i was so happy i did. At first i was sad but then i thought about how much fun this random kid would have on the scooter i picked out for him or her. Its just like missionary work. Are we gonna take and keep all the blessings of this gospel with only ourselves or are we gonna share it with others to see the happiness they receive from it. One other instant stood out to me a lot too. I remember being in the Airport about to fly somewhere with the family. Right before we boarded i saw you go to the front desk by a lady and give the flight lady money. You then walked back over to the family acting like nothing happened. I asked you several times what you did but you didnt tell me. I knew that you helped pay for that ladys ticket. You didnt know her, you didnt know why she couldnt afford it, you just acted, exactly how the Savior would. Dad I noticed almost everything you did. I looked up to you and still look up to you so much and watch what you do so i know what to do. I picture you being out here on the mission with me sometimes. I know you were probably a much better missionary then i was but I know together, we'd baptize the Scriptural 'Hell' out of these people, literally :) (That is a quote from President Berry by the way so its ok ;) ) I love you Dad. Thank you for setting such a great example for me to follow in and being so Christ like.

Love Elder Ashworth

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